Holly Hart Consulting - Experience and Expertise


Holly Hart, Ph.D.




Consultant to school districts, charter schools, non-profits and businesses
Administered district-wide At-Risk, Drug and Alcohol, Single Parent and Homeless Programs 
Founded and administered three charter and one alternative school
Wrote, secured and executed state and federal grants totaling over 25 million dollars
Established three 501(c) 3 non-profit corporations and one foundation
Team Member of multiple school accreditation teams
Instructor at the university and technical college level
Presenter at various state and national conferences



Educational Administration - Ph.D.-University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
Guidance/Counseling - M.S. and Ed.S. - University of Wisconsin-Stout, WI
Professional Development/Training and Adult Learning - M.S. - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, WI
English, Sociology and Secondary Education majors - B.A. - Lawrence University-Appleton, WI



Consultant for Education and Business - Holly Hart Consulting

  • Planned and facilitated strategic planning and action planning processes
  • Provided training and consultation in the areas of organizational development, site based management, restructuring, group dynamics and time management
  • Advised charter school founders, developers and authorizers  
  • Designed and implemented team building initiatives and facilitated resolution of disputes within organizations
  • Provided crisis response planning and training  
  • Provided Myers-Briggs Training (certified purchaser with the Association for Psychological Type)
  • Delivered consulting services and training on brain research on birth to 6, adolescents, anger management, male/female differences and addiction
  • Developed plans to improve school climate and discipline
  • Delivered consulting services and training related to grant writing, crisis intervention/response, climate, discipline, charter schools, curriculum development, at risk students, drug abuse prevention, pregnancy prevention, in house day care, and homeless children and youth

School Administrator - Eau Claire Area School District and Cooperative Services Agency #10

Founded and Administered Four Schools

  • An alternative school serving 200 at-risk 17-21 year old students each year. Results: 1,971 graduates, a 88%  plus average yearly graduation rate, two follow up studies documenting post secondary and employment success
  •  A charter school serving over 850 incarcerated, expelled, severely violent, and drop-out students per year. Students were 12 -21 years old.  Results: over  900 graduates and recipient of a federal charter school dissemination grant  
  • A technology charter school serving yearly over 200 students age 15- 18 and providing CISCO certification, computer programming, operating systems, networking and computer construction and repair courses -Results - students passed industry CCNA and A+ certification tests and graduated with up to 18 “transcripted” Wisconsin University  and Technical College credits. Recipient of a federal charter school dissemination grant.
  • Four year old kindergarten through 5th grade Montessori charter school serving 150 students per year. Result: Recipient of a federal dissemination grant  

Administrative Accomplishments

  • Served as administer of the at-risk, drug and alcohol prevention, child care, teen parent, jail, detention center and homeless children and youth programs for twelve years for the eighth largest school district in the state
  • Secured funding for and served simultaneously as an administrator of four schools hiring all staff and supervising up to150 staff per year
  • Hired and mentored aspiring administrators to ensure sustainability of each school
  • Developed and implemented budgets for four schools on seven sites serving a total of over 1500 students per year
  • Developed and oversaw five year strategic plans, technology plans and facility improvement plans for four schools
  • Designed and implemented  school site-based management systems
  • Developed schedules, policies, board orientation processes, data collection systems, accountability measures, evaluation processes, follow up studies, annual reports and web sites
  • Supervised development of a K-12 integrated, hands on, thematic and project based  curriculum for at-risk students
  • Studied various counseling, culture and discipline models and developed a comprehensive program to foster the development of internal control mechanisms within each student
  • Taught middle, high school, and university and technical college courses
  • Conducted tours for up to 400 visitors yearly who sought to replicate the implemented models

Innovative Program Design

  • Developed unique counseling process for at risk high school and middle school students
  • Created a  national model for site based crisis response plans for schools and non-profit agencies
  • Designed and implemented a unique dual-credit option in partnership with the area technical college and two area universities that provided up to 18 free transcripted college credits to students attending the technology charter school on their high school campus (Recommended as a state high school to post-secondary school transition model)
  •  Designed a process and engaged specialists to align the Montessori elementary curriculum to the Wisconsin state educational standards  (Recommended as a means of validating the Montessori elementary curriculum) 
  • Facilitated the development of a process for implementing special education for learning disabled students in a non-text book, multi-age and multi-grade setting  (Served as a state and national model)
  • Facilitated the acquisition of a teacher delivered/computer based art and a piano/music curriculum
  • Facilitated the creation of a Montessori book room organized by curricular theme and reading level (Distributed to other Montessori and charter schools throughout the state and nation)


  • Negotiated business and community partnerships to support four schools with monetary and in-kind contributions
  • Facilitated a six school district collaboration for a technology charter school providing  the opportunity to the students of the surrounding small school districts  
  • Developed an agreement with an area parochial school to offer dual-credit technology courses on-site at the parochial school in collaboration with the charter school, local school districts, technical college and universities
  • Partnered with local businesses to establish three scholarships for graduates of both an at-risk alternative and charter school

Non-Profit Corporations

  • Created three 501(c)3 non-profit corporations for  charter schools to hold the contract for and to govern each school (The process became a state model)
  • Developed an independent governance model for district authorized charter schools
  • Established a non-profit foundation to support three charter schools
  • Recruited business and community leaders to serve on three charter school one foundation board


  • Secured over 25 million dollars in grant funding and over $90,000 in donations
  • Wrote successful grant applications for the technology, Montessori, and at risk charter schools; substance abuse prevention; homeless children and youth; teen parent programs; community collaboration initiatives; after school programs; on-site school day care programs; counseling services; and dissemination projects
  • Secured federal Safe and Sound program funding for the community
  • Wrote and secured two planning, six implementation and three federal dissemination grants for charter schools
  • Secured funding to implement a K-5 Spanish program, 6-12 Read 180 program and computerized art and music programs
  • Worked with a team to secure resources to deliver an inter-generational art project for elementary students and senior citizens
  • Participated on over 30 grant reading committees at the state and national level

State Committees

  • Chair -  State superintendents Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Committee
  • Co- Chair State Superintendent of School’s Expulsion Task Force, Special Education  and Charter School Advisory Committees
  • Member of State Superintendent of School’s Student Assessment Task Force


Board of Directors –Boy’s and Girl’s Club,  Red Cross, YMCA, Wisconsin Charter Schools Association, Refuge House Domestic Abuse Center,  Eau Claire Coalition for Youth, L.E. Phillips Public Library, Indianhead Federated Library System, Eau Claire Preschool

Other Community Service – Rotary, City of Eau Claire Comprehensive Planning Committee, County Economic Support and Juvenile Justice Committees

Certification/Licensure – Wisconsin District Administrator; Elementary and Secondary Administrator/Principal; Pupil Services Director/Director of Special Education; Supervisor, Curriculum Coordinator and Director; Counselor (K-12); Secondary and Elementary Teacher; English Teacher, Sociology Teacher


References available upon request